The presentations will be made in Spanish, English or French. The presentations will be adjusted to a time of 15 minutes, including a question time


The abstracts and papers will be sent by email to:
The deadline for the submission is 10th May 2022

The requested information is:

  • Title of the work in capital letters, bold, Times New Roman 12 pt. and centre.
  • Authors: TImes New Roman, 12 pt. centre.
  • Contact Address and Email
  • Abstract:  maximum of 150 words, written in Times New Roman.
  • Keywords


  • Papers will be written in Microsoft Word (.docx file), in order to facilitate the final edition of the document. Other formats will not be supported.
  • The document will have a maximum of four pages, including graphics, tables, bibliography, etc. It is therefore an extended summary of the work.
  • Pages will have 3 cm of upper and lower margin and 2.5 cm of right and left margins.
  • The main text will be written in Times New Roman 11 pt. in two columns and single spacing, 0 pt.t.

The titles of the main sections or epigraphs will be numbered in capital letters and bold with letter size 11 pt. A space will be left between these titles and the beginning of the text.

  • Subsection: The title of the subsection will be bold. No space will be left between the title of the subsection and the beginning of the text
  • Figures y tables:They need to be already inserted in the text, in its corresponding place and with the appropriate size and resolution.Between the text and graphic, as well as between the footer and the main text, a blank line will be inserted.Captions will not have space after the graphic. They will be written in 9 pt. and numbered consecutively, regardless of whether they are maps, photographs etc. Within the pages, graphics and tables will fit in width of a column 7.5 cm or the width of the box of the page 16 cm, in which case it is recommended to locate it at the beginning or end of the corresponding page, not in the middle. Tables will have an independent numbering.Titles will be placed centered at the top of the tables, in size 9 pt. and in italics. As for the width, the same standard applies as for the graphics..
  • Agradecimientos. Texto de los agradecimientos letra 10 pt.


a. In the text, references to quoted authors will be carried out with the author’s surname and year; for example:” Membrado (2019)”. For the works of two authors they will be referred to as “Membrado and García”, and for more than two authors they will be referred to as “Membrado et al.”
b. Name and surname of the rapporteur. (2020)
c. The list of bibliographic references will be at the end of the paper in size 10 pt. It will be given in alphabetical order of authors. Obviously all references included in the text should appear in the bibliographic list and vice versa.
d. The format of the bibliographic references in the list will follow the following general models: Magazine Articles. books, chapters in books and monographs, to refer to scientific journals, abbreviations will not be used, but their full names.

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